Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Revised Cleodemus Malchus

Ian Scott has completed the proofreading of the Cleodemus Malchus fragment (www.purl.org/net/ocp/ClMal.html) and has added an expanded introductory page for the text.

Updated 2 Baruch

Ian Scott has completed revisions to the Greek fragments of 2 (Syriac) Baruch (www.purl.org/net/ocp/2Bar.html). These revisions include a newly expanded introductory page, as well as a new layout of the Greek fragments which shows more clearly how the lines appear on the recto and verso of P.Oxy. 403.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Updated Aristobulus

Ian Scott has just completed an updated version of Aristobulus (www.purl.org/net/ocp/Aristob.html). This update includes an expanded introductory page with full bibliographic information for the published sources of the Aristobulus fragments. The Grammateus reader interface has also been upgraded to allow the poetic quotations in the Artapanus fragments to be displayed in proper versified form.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The OCP moves to PURL

The OCP site is now accessible through the permanent address www.purl.org/net/ocp. This is a PURL or Persistent URL which will remain active indefinitely. The actual OCP files are stored on servers elsewhere. Presently these are located at The University of Western Ontario, but this summer they will be moving to the servers of Acadia Divinity College. With the PURL address in place, however, users can access the OCP files through one permanent URL despite these sorts of moves from one institution to another. All published references to the OCP documents should cite the new PURL address, not the actual location of the files (visible in your browser's navigation bar). This will allow future readers to access the cited files, even if unforseen circumstances force another move to different servers.

New Apocryphon of Ezekiel Published

A new, more complete edition of the Apocryphon of Ezekiel, edited by Ian Scott, has now been published to the OCP site.