Friday, February 25, 2005

Paraleipomena Ieremiou published

Ken Penner has completed an OCP edition of 4 Baruch or Paraleipomena Ieremiou based on the electronic text provided by Craig A. Evans. The text is that of R. A. Kraft and A.-E. Purintun (eds.), Paraleipomena Jeremiou (TT 1; PS 1; Missoula: Scholars Press, 1972) , and is re-published as part of the OCP by permission of the Society of Biblical Literature.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Work progressing on 1 Enoch and Testament of Job

Work is progressing on a full critical apparatus for two of the OCP documents. All three manuscripts are now available for Testament of Job up to chapter 15, along with the eclectic texts of Kraft and Brock. All of the Greek, Latin, and Aramaic evidence for 1 Enoch is now complete up to chapter 8.

Upgrades to the Grammateus user-interface

Ken Penner and Ian Scott have now completed upgrades to the Grammateus user-interface for the OCP. These upgrades allow us to display multiple languages properly within a single critical apparatus. Users can also switch back and forth in the main-text view between manuscripts in different languages. To see this new functionality at work, see the OCP edition of 1 Enoch (In progress).

More preliminary texts published

Ken Penner has completed preliminary editions of several more documents, based on electronic texts provided by Craig A. Evans. The new texts include:

Cleodemus Malchus
Eldad and Modad
The Lives of the Prophets
3 Maccabees
4 Maccabees
Psalms of Solomon
The Sibylline Oracles